Home > Artworks > Sylviane Princesa de Isangel

Photo of Sylviane Princesa de Isangel France

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Born in Regina Pris (France) in 1966, Princess Sylviane of Isangel currently lives and paints on the Riviera. AFTER a license Psicologay Studies School Teacher, Princess exerting the domains of the teaching, dance sport, computer science, just doing a hobby Plastic Arts . His keen interest in Modern Art and the office of President of the Institute of the Arts in Literature and Science of the royal house of Tanna "derive...

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Born in Regina Pris (France) in 1966, Princess Sylviane of Isangel currently lives and paints on the Riviera. AFTER a license Psicologay Studies School Teacher, Princess exerting the domains of the teaching, dance sport, computer science, just doing a hobby Plastic Arts . His keen interest in Modern Art and the office of President of the Institute of the Arts in Literature and Science of the royal house of Tanna "derive encounters with numerous artists until, in 2005 the cross road of an artist of the host Niiza first for a temporary exhibition in his studio-gallery, then offers continuously exposed for several months and gives the impulse to relate their work to the international scene. Therefore, in June 2006 acquired a medal argint the fine art prize "to the international exhibition of IAC in Kobe (Japan), to reason that invitaral" Renten Art Exhibition "Museum in Tokyo to present three works selected, one of which adquirirel Special Price Jury.

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